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UniQ has the privilege of sitting on various committees and being involved in numerous forms of consultation, bringing the voice of queer students to the table and ensuring our needs are addressed. Some of these are by virtue of us being the Representative Group for all LGBTQIA+ students and some are due to the initiative and engagement of our members.

Student Equity And Diversity Committee

The Student Equity and Diversity Committee (SEDC)​ is a VUWSA Committee that brings together members from the various Representative Groups at the university. The purpose of the committee is to:

  • to inform VUWSA’s decision making about key issues to ensure that we build in particular concern and perspectives from respective groups.

  • to hold VUWSA accountable to ensure our actions and operations show an active commitment to advancing equity issues.

  • to facilitate relationship building and communication between Representative Groups and Ngāi Tauira and Pasifika Students’ Council for common goals/events/interest

  • to identify places where each group may be able to help each other or collaborate

  • to help student representatives on university council consult in their decision making and identify issues they may not be aware of to bring through to a council level

We sit on this committee alongside representatives from the Victoria University Feminist Organisation (VicUFO), the Disabled Students' Association (DSA), VUW International Students' Association (V-ISA), Vic Without Barriers (VUW-RB), Ngāi Tauira (NT) and Pasifika Students' Council (PSC). Members of the VUWSA Student Executive also sit on the committee and act as its Chair and Secretary. This is typically the Equity Officer and Welfare Vice President.

Student Assembly

The Student Assembly is a Council of students representing the collective voice of students through providing comprehensive feedback from various areas of the University. The Student Assembly mainly focusses on:

  • Unite the student voice by having cross-faculty, cross-cultural representation.

  • Giving power to the student voice by ensuring that the University is accountable for their decisions made on behalf of students.

  • Connecting students across the University from different areas and backgrounds, allowing them to be informed by views outside of their immediate groups, and support their fellow student leaders.

We work alongside both core representative equity groups and faculty representative groups to discuss a range of topics. These topics may include high-level changes within the university structures, as well as issues that are facing students within our cohorts at a day-to-day level. The Student Assembly is chaired by VUWSA, and we meet at least four times per year.


Victoria University of Wellington

Kelburn, Wellington 6012

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